Hypertrophy Specific Failure?

Well, I haven't updated for a while, but here goes. I failed, miserably, at HST. I gave it a go, but doing a full body workout, 3 days a week, all by myself burnt me out rather quickly. I made it for maybe 5 days (workout days that is) but then had to stop. I wasn't motivated at all to continue and I was overly tired every day. I am sure that a great deal of it had to do with the fact that working out at home definitely doesn't make this very long workout routine any more tolerable, as I am constantly having to adjust this, and move that, and switch the weights from this bar to that one...

Oh well, maybe I will try HST again some other time...that or maybe I will just stick with what I know and what has worked for me. That, and one thing that HST does is it focuses solely on size and not really at all on strength, and I kind of like knowing that I can lift a pretty good amount of weight and would rather not risk losing those maxes that I have worked so hard to reach.

On to the next routine I suppose...makes me kind of sad as I was so excited initially about getting into HST...

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